I promise wedding pictures will be forthcoming in the near future. We have our official photos from the photographer (570 of them) as well as many others taken by friends and family. There are just so many to choose from and so little time.
I forgot that you had to post pictures backwards on Blogger. I was just going through my photos and adding them in sequence. This means I've posted the supper events in an order opposite to what actually occurred. You can still enjoy the pictures. Just start at the bottom of the post and work your way up :) Caleb's expressions are priceless in every picture.
Poster boy for Samaritan's Purse. I wonder where he got that shirt from ;)
Playing with the antique glasses.
We were enjoying the sunshine. Alain and Caleb were kicking the soccer ball around. Everyone was soaking up the rays. Good times!
Posing for the camera.
Caleb gearing up for some soccer in the backyard.
Alain making mischief!
Alida Oenema
Alida had found a nifty sheet set which we got as an early wedding present. What you can't see in this picture is Alain goofing off on the other side of the camera to generate the expressions on our faces.