Alain posing in front of the famous lighthouse. The whole area is property of the Coast Guard but they share with the general public.
We were easily distracted.
Amazing walk right along the ocean.
A brief glimpse of the views from along the trail.
You can see the lighthouse in the distance and Alain was making me point it out.
We found a little beach or cove and played in the sand for a while. This was an attempt to document a walk on the beach but turned into a bum shot. Unfortunately there were no logs or stones high enough to get our whole bodies in the shot.. and the beach didn't have many other people on it to play photographer.
I was trying out the look of my new name.
This is where we stayed.
The view from the back deck.
The view from one of our living room windows.
Since we were so close, we also had to check out Tofino and the infamous Long Beach.
Due to the cool temperatures, I forgot to bring shorts or a swimsuit along so we could play in the water. Waves splash quite high I discovered, so I spent the rest of the day in Tofino with soaked jeans. Still fun.

The title Long Beach is no joke. The beach stretches on and on for miles and the wind blows and blows, which is why it is so popular with the surfing crowd.