30 January 2010

Baby Belly

We had a little bit of a scare over the last few weeks.

At 32 weeks along, my belly was right on target. At 34 weeks, my belly wasn't measuring as big as they would like it to be for how far along I was. The doctor said we'd wait two weeks and I should put my feet up more and we'd see how things went.

After two more weeks my belly still hadn't gotten as big as they would like, so the doctor ordered an ultrasound to make sure everything was good with the baby, the placenta and amniotic fluid level. We had that ultrasound this past Wednesday and got the results yesterday. Seems that the baby is perfect and everything is right on track, it's just going to be a very tiny baby. Right now it's weighing in at 5.5lbs and I have just over two weeks left until my due date. And that's just fine with us.  :)

Belly at 37 weeks.

Ready to meet our little one.


Donna said...

Very smart doing a black and white picture in Ole's room .. no chance of anyone figuring out if Ole is a girl or a boy.

alain, kristin, esme and téa said...

Yes, that's no accident. We also had to crop the picture so that patterns on cloth weren't visible. :) Soon there will be no more secrets :)