25 May 2010

The Crib (or 'My ticket to fleeting moments of freedom')

 This weekend there were a number of landmarks reached in Esme's life.

First, she turned three months old on Friday! Wow! Where does the time go?

Then (the big news) on Saturday, Esme moved into her own room and started sleeping in her crib.

No more bassinet in our room. Hopefully this will help us reach the milestone of Esme sleeping through the night. She still needs to wake up for at least one feed but is getting longer and longer sleeps in. Her record so far has been 6.5 hours of continuous sleep. Great, right? Unfortunately that was 8pm to 2:30am.

Last night's schedule felt great to me:

 7:00pm-8:00pm : sleeping
 8:00pm-9:15pm: woke up and wouldn't go back to sleep without a fight (not so great)
 9:15pm: ate again
 9:35pm: finally asleep again
 2:00 am:  quick feed then back to sleep by 2:20am
 6:00 am:  quick feed and into my bed for more sleep
 9:00am: awake for the day

Great because she got 12 hours sleep and I got two sections of sleep that were 4-5 hours long.

Having naps in the crib also means that she is not always in my arms. Much as I love holding her, I do need to use the washroom and eat periodically which is very hard to do if you are trying not to disturb the sleeping baby in your arms.

Today I was able to shower and get fully dressed during her first nap (yay! that's a small miracle) and eat lunch, open the mail and load pictures on the computer during her second nap (also yay! another miracle).

It may not seem like much but after 3 months of restriction, this feels like the ultimate luxury; brief times during my day when i can actually try to accomplish little things. Don't judge me, I'm sure there are super moms out there who had it all together and were getting stuff done while baby was still 2 weeks old. I'm just enjoying a new phase which is moving towards good sleeps for Esme and small freedoms for me :)

In other news, Esme's getting to be a pro at holding her head up. She does this pose during tummy time that gives me a glimpse of what she'll look like when she's sixteen and lying on her bed doing homework :)

She also has made some attempts at crawling. The arms and legs weren't really in unison but with her legs going great guns and her nose down she managed to move quite a ways.

Laughing out loud is becoming a regular occurrence as Esme is ticklish and easily amused. Loads of fun to tickle her and get her laughing.

Esme likes sitting in her high chair while we eat.

Dangling in the exersaucer is tons of fun, but there is so much to look at she can't help going cross-eyed.

Playing 'airplane' with Daddy is fun too.

And Esme loves to brush her teeth.

Getting to be a big girl, our pretty Esme :)


Donna said...

That girl is growing up very quickly.
Love you, Mom

Unknown said...

Very very very very very cute! And exciting for you :) Love and miss you! Mich ps. very cute hoodie ;)