25 February 2011

The Birthday (sort of)

Thanks to the FLU, any plans, hopes or dreams I may have had about what Esme's first ever birthday party would look like basically had to be laid to rest.

Alain got hit with the flu first, the week before her party. Esme came down with it mid-week. I held out until the day of her party but the many sleepless days and nights of just having to hold a miserable, feverish baby girl while she cried and tried to rest, made for a sleep-deprived mama unable to fight it off anymore.

(This is the actual flu we are talking about here, not just a little cold. Alain is still stuffed up but mostly better and it is now Day 13 for him.)

All that is just to explain why we ended up scrambling to pull together some form of party to commemorate Esme turning ONE, rather than having a well thought out event!

It was a family only party. Ian and Mich came in all the way from Calgary to be here (sadly, Mich was infected by our flu bug as a party gift.. sorry Mim!). Esme was still very ill and spent most of the day crying. She did perk up for the cupcake! That was the most enthusiasm we saw all day from her. Overall it was the best it could be given the circumstances.

And now I'll let the pictures do the rest of the talking.

the lazy cupcakes

attempts at festivity

uncle kiki and opa

guests being festive



oma and grandma

the cupcakes that might have been

how Esme spent most of the day

more of how Esme spent most of the party

a brief spurt of energy

opening presents

playing with a new toy

more present opening

this kid got too many presents :)

blowing out the candle

first taste of the icing

and she digs right in

Esme decided she didn't like the feel of the icing on her hands, so she just plunged her face right in.

see.. no hands

the most she'd eaten in days 

the whole gang

our one year old!

making a mess and loving it

the decorations


Erin said...

I think it looked very festive and beautiful...I loved the look of the cupcakes, no need to apologize for those or the decorations...I wish you had a few extras frozen away for when I'm next in town...did you make that teddy cupcake as a trial or is that the picture from the book? Sorry I missed such a special day, glad I didn't get the flu :)

alain, kristin, esme and téa said...

well thanks! Alain made the teddy bear cupcake as a trial but they were taking a long time and since we no longer had a theme, it just seemed unnecessary stress. We can make more of those lovely cupcakes when you are in town :)

I think it was better you didn't come for the sake of you and your babies' (Gray and Nemo, both) health. This was just a miserable sick house and Mom's house was all sick too.

Thanks for the adorable outfit! and for the fridge set that she is getting great enjoyment out of. Hopefully we'll see you soon!!

The Werners said...

Great pictures! And the decorations were still great all these days later. :)

Griffen said...

It really did all look adorable. Sorry that you couldn't fully enjoy it (especially for poor little peanut) - but it looks like you did a great job anyhow.

Donna said...

Poor baby! Glad she is on the mend!

alain, kristin, esme and téa said...

Thanks guys! Thankfully she is pretty much recovered now. And she will have many more birthdays for us to do better on :)