29 March 2012

what we've been up to

playing with new sunglasses

sunglass fun with daddy

granola bars on spring walks

doubling up in the stroller

posing for pictures

sleeping all cozy

snuggling the blankies

being cute

smiling with opa

trying on giant shoes

playing with uncle kiki (caleb)

making goofy faces

holding sleeping babies

 cousin bouncing on horses (Gray)

cousin swinging (Ellie)

watching Graby with Nawny (auntie erin) and Kiss (uncle kif)

rolling down hills


climbing the fence


opening grandpa's phone

hugging cousins

watching cars out the window

chilling in the bundle me

riding the trike

waving sticks

looking at daddy

sticking out tongues

hanging with daddy

daddy kisses

using weird exposure settings on the camera

1 comment:

Donna said...

Loving the pictures and the new background! Love you!