17 September 2013

Imagination station

In the last 10 minutes, the space under the slide has been used as a hide-out, a farm and now it is a Tim Hortons. Esme is dispensing baked goods and coffees to all who wander by. 😊

Thanking The Lord right now.  Just before the girls started playing under the slide, while playing with her sand pail, Esme was creeped out. She called out that there were 2 bugs in her bucket. My first thought was to tell her to just dump them out and keep playing, but I went over to check it out instead. I'm so glad I did because it turned out to be a Black Widow and its nest!

1 comment:

Donna said...

Well .. You survived Sudan so I think those babies can survive the back yard. Glad you checked it out though .. I hate spiders .. I blame that Arachnaphobia movie for it. Have the deer been back to play?