11 May 2010

Esme's here!

This post is long overdue. Esme is here and almost 3 months old already. It's hard to believe how time flies and how quickly babies grow.

Every day is something new with Esme.

Last week she discovered her hands and would end up going cross-eyed over and over as she rediscovered these amazing treasures that just happened to pass into her range of vision.

She first rolled over when she was 4 weeks old but has recently been mastering the art and has become an ambi-turner (meaning she can turn in both directions when starting from tummy time) where before she could only turn to the right.

Esme is a smiler. After a good sleep and a good feed, she'll spend 45 minutes talking, cooing, smiling and laughing at anyone willing to play with her. Any more than an hour though and we have a sleepy, grumpy baby on our hands.

She loves people and being held. It's starting to become a problem because she sleeps best when she is being held and cuddled. Soon she'll have to transition from the bassinet into her big crib and learn to nap without comforting arms supporting her.

Bumbo seats and exersaucers are just around the corner for this little girl, whose constant motion is helping her to gain head control. She pretty much supports her head on her own and loves to hold it up and look around at everything and anything.

We love our precious Esme Michelle and there is nothing quite as rewarding as having her smile and laugh directly at us. (It's even endearing when doing a 2:30am diaper change, makes it hard to resent the sleep disturbance.)


Griffen said...

I love seeing pics and hearing stories of this little wonder. Keep 'em coming.

Donna said...

She is too cute!!!!