27 July 2010

A Few of My Favourite Things

Now that the colicky days are past (knock on wood), I am loving our jolly happy baby. From the beginning Esme has been pretty easy to amuse. But now that the evening scream-fests are over and Esme has taken to her crib and is sleeping so much better, she is a joy and a delight.

My absolute favourite thing is picking her up from her naps. Even before her eyes have adjusted to the light and are able to be opened again, she is smiling so big that it is hard to tell if it's the overhead light or her own beaming smile that is making her squint. It tugs at my heart in ways I can't even describe.

Smiles across the room also light up her face. When I'm eating breakfast at the table and she is playing in her exersaucer, Esme will take regular breaks to look up at me across the room and smile. Her smile gets so big it turns into a giggle and she can't contain herself. She stands tall and flings herself as if she wants to get closer (don't worry she's safe in the exersaucer). It makes me laugh out loud which gets her going even more.

Esme's soft and very ticklish belly is another favourite of mine. Start by blowing raspberries just to the right of her belly button and soon she is laughing so hard that just leaning down towards her belly, without actually making contact, starts her giggling again.

At night we can tell when she's getting tired enough for bed because she gets a little bit hysterical. She will laugh at the littlest things. Once she gets started it is hard to stop and we don't want to. We all end up laughing until our sides hurt. There is nothing as cute as a baby laughing as hard as they can.

Love grows and grows. Laughing babies are a very sweet thing.


Donna said...

Very Cute! I keep getting an error when I try to watch the video though. Love you!

alain, kristin, esme and téa said...

Yes, the video never would load and then when I tried to delete it and cancel it wouldn't let me do that either. So a half finished video is permanently imbedded on this page. Too bad.

Michelle Lyn said...

Aww I was really hoping to see that video. Oh well she is very very very very very very cute :D love you all!