21 September 2010

Castlegar and Cousins

We went to visit Erin, Kif and Gray in Castlegar over the weekend. It was a great time and the cousins loved hanging out again. Here are the pictures to prove it.

Good times!


Erin said...

You were updating your blog as I was updating mine. I love, love, love the pictures!!! I found the missing Esme pictures you wanted to download, they were on the Camera still...oops! Hope you're having a great day, wish we could have coffee or tea together.

alain, kristin, esme and téa said...

Me too! Tea would be nice. Are you having the same sunshine we are today? It's a good day for a walk. Love your blog. Esme discovered Thomas the Tank Engine today and loved it!

Donna said...

I have the most gorgeous Grandbabies!! Yahoo! Love you!