31 May 2012

The 4 month regression (or should we say 4 to 6 month regression)

I wish I had found this article before both of my girls were already through the 4 month regression. New moms or even moms on the second or third go round, read this and take heart.

With Esme, I had no idea what it even was and wondered what was going on. A quick google helped me realize that babies are learning a lot at 4 months and there was a reason our sleep was suddenly worse than when she was a newborn.

Then when it hit Téa halfway through her third month, I blamed it on the 4 month regression and prayed for it to end quickly. It continued to drag on and on and on. Everything I read implied it happens in the fourth month but never said, it could go on for much longer than you expect, especially if your child is breastfed. You kind of assume it will be a blip and within a couple weeks all will be well again. (Especially when Téa started out as such a good sleeper and we had some 9 hour long stretches right before it all fell apart.)

Now that Téa has mastered rolling over, gotten past her fourth cold in a two month stretch (an older sibling really brings home the colds :) ), started to figure out sitting up and made it through another growth spurt, we are finally starting to get back to the longer sleeps that she did as a newborn. Praise the Lord.

And reading the explanation of what is going on helped get rid of a lot of anxiety about why my kids struggled with this, when everything else says 'they should be able to sleep through the night by 4-6 months'.

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