31 May 2012

Esme-isms Take II

Esme is our babbler. She loves to talk and we love to hear her thoughts. So much of what she says now is clear, coherent and comes out in full paragraphs (we are way beyond sentences with this girl). She still has a few words that come out in their own special way and I just don't want to forget because they are way too cute.

Ice Cream = Arsing
Garbage = Garbars
Medicine = Menna
Music = Mew-get
Library = Eye-belly
Very Good = Belly belly good
Chapstick = Pick pop
Come on = Kai - yon (this is new.. she used to say it correctly)
Esme Michelle = Ess may shell
Téa Marie = Taya ree

Any words that start with an 'L' are said with a silent 'L' at the front or a 'y' sound. Some examples,

Look = ook
Listen = issen
Like = yike (Mommy, Téa yikes that)

There are more but those are the ones on the top of my head.


Mrs. Siebring said...

She is learning from her Gramma. I'm sorry but "arsing" can only come from mom. :)

alain, kristin, esme and téa said...

Hahaha! Too true! Tsk, tsk Gramma what are you teaching my girl? Jk. ;)