19 October 2012

She speaks

Téa has now said her first words. Her very first word is Grandpa but sounds like 'bapa'. If you ask her to say Grandpa, she'll say 'bapa' every time.

Grandpa was quickly followed by her second word 'uh-oh'. She pronounces this very precisely and will now sometimes say it without being asked.

Esme's vocabulary expands daily and sometimes it is easy to forget she's not yet three years old. She still has some cute words which are unique to her.

'Fussagot' is used as a fusion word which combines 'forgot' and 'supposed to get'. For example, 'Mommy we fussagot my milk. I better go get it.'

'Feffeven' which is the number that comes after ten. For example, 'eight, nine, ten, feffeven....'

Love these talking girls.

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