8 August 2013

Summer :)

A family photo (first since Christmas). Thanks to Hope for taking it with our point & shoot. 

after bath story time

sprinkler fun with cousins

happy badminton playing Gray

catching the water in their mouths

or at least trying to

looks intense :)

Ellie relaxing in her chair, away from the spray

sweet smiles

washing and collecting rocks in the lake

Téa's already ditched her lifejacket. It kept putting her off balance and making her  tip headfirst into the water. 

It's cold


always collecting more 'wok, wok' (rocks)

what is summer in the Okanagan without a slurpee at the beach?

beach ball

cousins on the jungle gym

Téa and Ellie have matching swim suits (not intentional :) )

getting so big

working hard, figuring out this climbing thing

watermelon time

in the shade

finger paint slip n' sliding


being artistic

messy fingers

somebody's been tasting the paint


birthday cuddles for mom

testing out the shoes


swinging with my girl

she climbs up all by herself to look out the window,  almost gives me a heart attack when I find her standing there alone 

our winter will be full of delicious homemade pizzas, thanks to Mom and Dad's birthday present

warm summer evening on the deck

someone snagged her mom's coffee cup

my present from Alain (the deck furniture)

what she did 

while these guys painted up a storm

a rare captured smile from this guy (smiles are only rare when the camera is out)

proud of her quiet time accomplishments, she did the puzzles all by herself

cardboard box house built by Daddy

hamming it up for her Dad

1 comment:

Donna said...

Loving the pictures .. those are some mighty fine moments to cherish in your heart! Love you, Mom