19 July 2013

Long time, no post

We haven't found a good location in our house for the computer yet. It is awkward to stand by my dresser (where the computer is currently located) for hours to load pictures and then post them, which is why it has been so long since our last post.

That being said, here are a bunch of pictures in no particular order. Enjoy!

running in the park

pretending to be a cat

playing tag

just me and my grandpa

grandpa and the girls

little mischief making smile

watching the skateboarders is serious business

it is serious for Esme too

yes I was there that day too :)

me and my girls

téa slobbered on the mirror before this pic was taken

pool time

loving the water

pool noodle wars

riding in her 'whee-oo-whee-oo' (siren sound on ambulance)


more bucketfuls


'mom, i'm working here'

colours and sticker time

well téa, you aren't supposed to colour in actual books, good thing mom was too busy taking pics

mom's flip flops are fun

Esme drew a recognizable smiley face

then erased it real quick

dress up

tutu and soother

happy face

wedding finery

her new picture face

wedding wait

all dressed up

mints with grandpa

"I can do it by myself"


Donna said...

Loving those babies!!!!

Michelle Lyn said...

Cute! Thanks for posting!